Past and current changes in the environment are influencing diversification. How diversification differs between two separate but similar environments is the focus of my current work. Together with colleagues from Charles University, we focus on the evolution of Asteraceae lineages across tropical alpine regions of South America and East Africa to understand how past climatic changes and mountain building processes drive diversification. A lot of the work is still in progress, but we published the most recent and complete phylogenies for the Asteraceae genera Dendrosenecio, Oritrophium, and Loricaria. currently still work in progress are the tribe Espeletiinae (in collaboration with M. Diazgranados), the genus Senecio (Lasiocephalus) the Campanulaceae genus Lobelia and the genus Hypericum (Hypericaceae).

Together with colleagues from Norway, I ainvestigated the age of the East African Flora, which appears to be fragile and unsaturated (PNAS).